Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I can't even explain how weird it is to me that NEXT FRIDAY I will be getting married! hahah! I mean I am so excited, yet exhausted from the wedding stuff, house hunting, and every little detail that goes with both of those big steps in life!

I knew it would be weird when it got this close, I mean its so out of the normal routine, that one day that you somewhat randomly pick, becomes such an important day, and that so much changes with that day too! Did anyone else think that it was weird when it got so close to your wedding day?! hahah! (Weird in a good way of course! lol)

Anyways, its so exciting, and i think the anticipation of the wedding day and trying to buy a house just might kill me hahah! Anyways, I just had to ramble on for a minute about how weird it is and how exciting it is to think that in just 9 days I will finally get to marry James! He is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I love him for so many reasons, when i get mad, he hates it, (he would kill me for saying this, but he gets teared up... and worries about what he has done wrong) its never anything major and sometimes I'm just in a bad mood and get upset over something silly for a few minutes hahah... but he is patient and so sweet even when im mad or upset, and if its not directed at him, he knows i just need a hug and to let me vent. He makes me laugh and anything we do is fun, even when its just watching a movie or making dinner on a saturday night.... he is the best, and i love him so much! :)


  1. Caitlin, I felt the exact same way! For me it felt like I had butterflies in my stomach 24/7 for about a month before our wedding. It's crazy because you're so nervous and anxious, but yet you are so happy and in love all at the same time! I know a lot of people say this, but Marriage is really true bliss! Enjoy every minute of your new life together and if things get hard just rememeber how much you truely love each other and you'll be able to get through anything that life throws your way. :)

  2. Oh my gosh, how exciting!! yeah it's crazy! And ya i also felt that "weirdness" right before the a good way of course! It's like it's not real or something! haha. You'll also feel it right after the wedding too! You'll keep looking at your husband and say: "I can't believe we're married!!" haha.
